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Connect More with Internet of Things and Connectivity


A Internet of Things (IoT) is network of physical objects incorporated into sensors and software, connected to the internet to exchange data with other devices. These devices range from common household objects to sophisticated industrial tools. The number of devices is expected IoT connected grow to 10 billion in 2020 and 22 billion in 2025. IoT It is one of the most important technologies of the 21st century, allowing communication between people, processes and things seamlessly.

Main points of this article

  • A Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects connected to the internet
  • IoT promotes communication between people, processes and things
  • The number of connected IoT devices is constantly growing
  • IoT has several smart applications in areas such as smart homes, industrial automation, smart cities and connected logistics
  • IoT is driven by technologies such as access to sensors, connectivity It is cloud computing

Smart IoT Applications

Using low-cost computing, cloud, big data and advanced analytics, IoT makes it possible to collect and share data between physical objects with minimal human intervention. This leads to smart applications of IoT in several areas, such as smart homes, industrial automation and control, smart energy, smart cities, connected logistics and digital supply chains.


These applications improve the efficiency of business operations, provide data-driven insights and connect the physical world to the digital.

Smart Homes

Smart homes are one of the fastest growing areas in the field of IoT. With the application of mobile technologies It is connectivity, it is possible to remotely control home devices such as lighting, security, temperature and household appliances. Through smartphone apps, you can turn lights on and off, adjust the room temperature, monitor home security and even create personalized routines.


Industrial Automation and Control

IoT offers more advanced industrial automation and control solutions. With connected sensors, it is possible to monitor and optimize the performance of machines, production processes and stocks. This allows for real-time adjustments, fault identification and preventative maintenance, resulting in greater efficiency and cost savings.

Smart Energy

In the energy sector, IoT allows the creation of smart networks that monitor, control and optimize energy consumption. These networks can efficiently manage energy distribution, enable the use of renewable sources and reduce waste. Furthermore, IoT makes it possible to implement intelligent energy measurement and management systems in homes and businesses.

Smart Cities

IoT plays a key role in creating smart cities. Sensors and connected devices can collect real-time information about traffic, pollution, air quality, street lighting, waste management and more. This data can be used to improve urban planning, optimize public transport, reduce environmental impacts and improve citizens' quality of life.

Connected Logistics and Digital Supply Chains

IoT also brings benefits to the logistics and supply chain sector. With the use of sensors and real-time tracking, it is possible to monitor the transport of goods, optimize routes, control the temperature and humidity of perishable products, thus ensuring better management of the logistics chain. Furthermore, IoT allows for greater visibility and transparency at all stages of the supply process, from production to final delivery to the consumer.

Technologies that made IoT possible

A Internet of Things (IoT) is a reality thanks to advances in various technologies that allow the connection of physical objects and the exchange of data between them. These technologies are essential for the functioning of IoT and have driven its rapid growth and adoption across different sectors.

Access to low-cost, low-power sensors

One of the key advances that made IoT possible was the development of low-cost, low-power sensors. These sensors are small, efficient, and can be incorporated into a wide variety of physical devices. With the availability of these sensors, more manufacturers were able to adopt IoT technology in their products, boosting the connectivity and data collection.

Network protocols for efficient connectivity

Another fundamental aspect for IoT is the availability of network protocols that allow sensors to be connected to the cloud and other devices and objects. Through these protocols, data collected by sensors can be transferred efficiently and securely, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the information.

Cloud computing for data processing and analysis

A cloud computing plays a fundamental role in IoT, providing scalable infrastructure for processing and analyzing the enormous volumes of data generated by the network of connected objects. This technology allows companies and developers to take advantage of computing resources on demand, avoiding the need to invest in their own infrastructure.

Machine learning, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence

Machine learning, advanced analysis and artificial intelligence are complementary technologies that contribute to the advancement of IoT and the efficient use of data generated by the network. These technologies enable the identification of patterns, generation of insights and automated decision-making based on data collected by IoT. They are essential for transforming raw data into useful and actionable information.

“IoT has become possible thanks to the development of technologies such as low-cost sensors, network protocols, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.”

The combination of these technologies has boosted IoT in several sectors, enabling the creation of smart applications and the connection between people, processes and objects in an innovative way. As these technologies continue to advance, IoT is expected to continue to evolve and transform the way we live and work.

Access to sensorsLow-cost, low-power sensors for data collection
Network ProtocolsEnsuring efficient and secure connectivity of IoT devices
Cloud computingScalable infrastructure for processing and data analysis of IoT
Machine learningTechnology for generating insights and automated decision making

Industrial IoT (IIoT)

A industrial IoT, also known as IIoT, is the application of IoT technology in industrial environments. It involves the use of sensors and connected devices to automate and control industrial processes. IIoT allows industries to achieve a new layer of automation and create innovative business models. Some examples of IIoT use include manufacturing intelligent, preventive and predictive asset maintenance, smart energy grids, smart cities, connected logistics and smart digital supply chains. IIoT is considered the fourth wave of the industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0.

A industrial IoT, or Industrial Internet of Things, also known as IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), is the application of IoT technology in industrial environments to automate and control industrial processes. By connecting sensors and devices, it is possible to collect and analyze data, optimizing production, improving efficiency and creating new business models.

A industrial IoT offers a series of benefits to industries, allowing the adoption of automation advanced, decision-making based on real-time data and improving process efficiency. These applications can include everything from manufacturing intelligent, with connected machines and real-time production monitoring, to predictive asset maintenance, which uses sensors to identify failures and avoid unscheduled downtime.

The deployment of industrial IoT is also revolutionizing sectors such as energy grids, smart cities, logistics and digital supply chains. In power grids, for example, IoT is used to monitor and control the distribution of electricity, enabling greater efficiency and reliability. In smart cities, sensors and connected devices are used to improve infrastructure management, optimizing traffic, saving energy and improving citizens' quality of life. In logistics and the supply chain, IoT allows real-time monitoring of assets and goods, improving traceability and efficiency of operations.

Benefits of Industrial IoTApplication Examples
Advanced process automationManufacturing intelligent, automated quality control
Decision making based on real-time dataPredictive maintenance, real-time asset monitoring
Optimizing process efficiencySmart energy grids, smart cities, connected logistics

Industrial IoT is considered one of the main drivers of Industry 4.0, which marks a new phase in the industrial revolution, characterized by digitalization and automation of production processes. Connectivity and the intelligent use of data are fundamental for the transformation of industries, generating increased productivity, reduced costs and the creation of innovative business models.

Unlock business value with IoT

As IoT (Internet of Things) becomes more widespread, companies are leveraging its potential to achieve significant business benefits. Through connectivity and data collection, IoT allows companies to obtain data-driven insights to better manage your business, increase productivity and operational efficiency, create innovative business models and connect the physical world of business to the digital world to generate rapid value.

The ability to collect and analyze IoT data allows companies to make more informed decisions and optimize their existing processes. By accessing valuable, real-time information from connected devices, companies can identify patterns, trends and opportunities that can drive business growth.

IoT is revolutionizing the way businesses operate, providing data-driven insights that can drive innovation, improve operational efficiency and create new business models.

How does IoT benefit business value?

  • Better business management: IoT provides companies with detailed, real-time information about their operations. This allows for a more accurate and holistic view of internal processes, allowing companies to identify opportunities for optimization, quality improvement and cost reduction.
  • Increased productivity and operational efficiency: IoT allows remote monitoring of assets, machines and equipment. This enables proactive management, predictive maintenance and rapid problem resolution, reducing downtime and increasing operational efficiency.
  • Creation of innovative business models: With IoT, companies can offer new connected products and services, creating new sources of revenue and business opportunities. IoT also enables the creation of strategic partnerships and the development of collaborative ecosystems.
  • Connection from the physical to the digital world: IoT combines the physical world of business with the digital world, enabling the seamless integration of devices, systems and processes. This enables the creation of connected supply chains, smart work environments and personalized customer experiences.

Example of business value unlocked by IoT:

SectorBusiness Value Unlocked
RetailReal-time inventory monitoring, supply chain optimization and creating personalized customer experiences.
ManufacturingProduction optimization, cost reduction, predictive maintenance of equipment and improvement of product quality.
AgricultureReal-time monitoring of weather conditions, irrigation control and increased production efficiency.
Transportation and logisticsReal-time asset tracking, route optimization and operational cost reduction.

IoT is transforming the way businesses operate and offers countless opportunities to unlock the commercial value. By adopting IoT strategically and intelligently, companies can gain a significant competitive advantage and drive sustainable growth.

valor comercial com IoT

Business-ready IoT applications

There's a lot IoT applications ready for use in various sectors. These applications use machine learning algorithms to data analysis from connected sensors, presenting this information through dashboards for corporate users. With the ability to identify anomalies, send alerts and even trigger automated corrections, these applications have been widely adopted by companies.

To the IoT applications They are easily incorporated into existing processes, bringing significant improvements to supply chains, customer service, human resources and financial services. They can be applied in different areas, such as manufacturing, asset tracking, human health monitoring and advanced data analysis.

An example of an IoT application is equipment monitoring In real time. Sensors attached to industrial machines can collect data on their performance and condition, allowing companies to identify failures before they occur, preventing production downtime and reducing maintenance costs.

"With IoT applications, it is possible to obtain valuable insights based on the data collected, improve decision making and optimize existing processes.”

Connected logistics is another field in which IoT plays a fundamental role. Through the use of sensors in transport vehicles and distribution centers, it is possible to track and monitor the location, condition and temperature of products throughout the supply chain. This increases operational efficiency, reducing downtime and providing a better experience for the end customer.

A data analysis collected by IoT allows companies to unlock new possibilities in their business processes. Using advanced algorithms, it is possible to identify patterns, make predictions and optimize resource allocation. This results in greater efficiency, reduced costs and increased competitiveness in the market.

Overall, business-ready IoT applications offer smart and effective solutions for diverse business needs. With the combination of data analysis, equipment monitoring and connected logistics, companies can boost their operational efficiency and make more informed decisions to achieve market success.

Sectors benefiting from IoT

Various sectors can benefit from the use of IoT. Manufacturing can improve asset efficiency and performance through monitoring and analysis of machines and products. The sector automotive You can use IoT to improve driver safety and experience. Transportation and logistics can optimize the tracking and restriction of physical assets as well as improve the efficiency of operations. O retail can manage inventories, improve customer experience and optimize the supply chain. These are just a few examples of the sectors that can benefit from IoT.

IoT brings great potential to drive operational efficiency and innovation in benefited sectors. Manufacturing, for example, can implement connected sensors to monitor machine performance, enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime. In addition automation Industrial technology driven by IoT can improve productivity and production quality.

In the sector automotive, IoT can be leveraged to develop connected vehicles that offer advanced safety features such as automatic braking in an emergency and enhance the driver experience with smart entertainment and navigation systems.

The industry of transportation and logistics can optimize the tracking of physical assets such as trucks and containers through IoT. With connected sensors, it is possible to monitor the location, status and conditions of assets in real time, ensuring better supply chain management and security. Furthermore, IoT can improve the efficiency of logistics operations, optimizing delivery routes and reducing operational costs.

At the retail, IoT can play a crucial role in inventory management. With smart sensors and labels, it is possible to monitor product availability in real time, avoiding stock shortages and improving the efficiency of replacement processes. Furthermore, IoT enables a personalized and interactive shopping experience, with connected devices providing personalized recommendations to customers.

These examples illustrate how IoT can bring significant benefits to various sectors. As IoT technologies and solutions continue to evolve, more industries are expected to find innovative ways to harness the power of IoT to drive operational efficiency, improve the customer experience, and drive digital transformation.


The Internet of Things and connectivity are revolutionizing the way we live and work. With the possibility of connecting physical objects and collecting data, IoT offers a wide range of intelligent applications in different sectors.

Cellular connectivity is a strategic choice for implementing IoT as it offers global coverage, unparalleled data transfer speed, and energy efficiency. As IoT expands, more and more companies see its potential to unlock commercial value, gain valuable insights and optimize existing processes.

IoT is one of the most important technologies of our time and will continue to evolve as more smart devices connect to the network. As we become even more connected with the Internet of Things and connectivity, we can expect a revolution in the way we work, communicate and live.


What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects incorporated into sensors and software, connected to the internet to exchange data with other devices.

What are the smart applications of IoT?

IoT has many smart applications in areas such as smart homes, industrial automation, smart energy, smart cities, connected logistics and digital supply chains.

What technologies made IoT possible?

IoT became possible thanks to access to sensors low-cost technologies, network protocols, cloud computing platforms, and advances in machine learning, advanced analytics, and conversational artificial intelligence.

What is Industrial IoT (IIoT)?

Industrial IoT (IIoT) is the application of IoT technology in industrial environments, enabling the automation and control of industrial processes. It is also known as the fourth wave of the industrial revolution.

How can IoT help companies?

IoT enables companies to gain data-driven insights, improve productivity and operational efficiency, create innovative business models, and optimize their existing processes.

What are the ready-to-use IoT applications for business?

Out-of-the-box IoT applications can be incorporated into existing processes and bring improvements to supply chains, customer service, human resources, financial services, manufacturing, asset tracking, human health monitoring and advanced analytics.

Which sectors can benefit from IoT?

Several sectors can benefit from IoT, such as manufacturing, automotive, transportation and logistics and retail, among others.

What are IoT and connectivity transforming?

IoT and connectivity are transforming the way we live and work, enabling the connection of physical objects and the collection of data for a wide range of smart applications across diverse industries.

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